E-Liquid Storage Tips: How to Keep Your Flavours Fresh for Longer

Learn how to store your e-liquid to avoid degradation. Use these tips to avoid light, heat, and oxygen damage and ensure the best vaping experience.

High-quality e-liquids are an essential part of every vaper’s kit. But without proper storage, your e liquids can become old and unuseable, diminishing the quality of your vaping experience.

If you want to ensure that you enjoy the freshest flavours for longer, use these tips to properly store your e-liquid.

What Factors Affect E-liquid Freshness?

E-liquid contains a variety of ingredients—namely vegetable glycerine (VG) or propylene glycol (PG), or a mix of the two, nicotine, water, and flavourings. Because some of these components are organic, they can expire and become stale, much like perishable food products.

In order to stay fresh and full of delicious flavour, you’ll need to keep several storage factors in mind:

  • Light: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun can cause nicotine to degrade and begin to decompose. As the nicotine breaks down, it changes the flavor of your e liquid.
  • Temperature: Too much heat can cause the ingredients in e liquid to become volatile and cause the flavourings added to evaporate, leaving you with bland vape juice.
  • Air exposure: Like heat, oxygen also reduces the flavour of e liquid through evaporation. This oxidation can cause your e.liquid to turn brown and change its flavour and consistency.

Best storage practices for retaining e liquid freshness

To ensure your e-liquids last as long as possible, follow these tips:

Keep e-liquids in a cool, dark place

Storing your bottles in a temperate environment, such as a cupboard or cool storage unit away from the sun or direct light, is one of the best ways to extend the lifespan of your e-liquid.

Ensure bottles are tightly sealed

If you don’t screw your e liquid bottle caps on tightly enough, they’ll be exposed to too much oxygen, speeding up the expiration process.

Purchase high-quality e-liquids

The higher the quality of the e-liquid, the longer its shelf life will be. This also means more intense, juicy flavours with every hit. Legion of Vapers makes it easy to purchase top-tier vape liquids that, when stored correctly, can last up to two years.

What are common signs of e liquid degradation?

If your e liquid looks dull or is turning brown, has lost its flavour potency, or started to separate (or all three!), it’s a surefire sign that it needs to be replaced with a fresh bottle.

Every vaper should learn proper e-liquid storing practices. Buying from trusted sources like Legion of Vapers, keeping bottles in cool, dark places, and always screwing the lids on super tight can help you keep your e liquids fresh for as long as possible.

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