Tests to Determine If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

There are various tests to determine if you have Type 2 Diabetes. A fasting plasma glucose test, also called a fasting blood sugar test, is used to measure the blood sugar level in your body when you have no food or drink for 8 hours. Another test, called an oral glucose tolerance test, is used to determine your body’s ability to process sugar. If you are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, you will need to make lifestyle changes and start taking medication.


Physical activity helps regulate blood sugar levels and control weight, but exercise also has many other benefits. Studies have shown that it can reduce the risk of heart disease and nerve damage. In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week. Those with diabetes should start slow and gradually increase their physical activity.

If you are new to physical activity, it is important to talk to your doctor first. Your doctor will help you minimize the risks of injury and to develop a safe exercise regimen. Additionally, a physical therapist or other medical professional can guide you toward the right exercises and activities for your specific condition.


Although the relationship between diet and type 2 diabetes is complex, it appears that a reduced intake of fat has a protective effect against the disease. This is supported by studies that analyzed the associations between dietary fat and insulin action in several populations. However, there are still many questions about the role of dietary fat in the development of the disease, and the findings of these studies are not yet widely applicable.

A diet high in fibre is beneficial in managing the disease, as it helps the bowels stay regular. However, increasing fibre intake should be done gradually and should be paired with adequate fluid intake. Increasing the amount of vegetables consumed will also help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. People with diabetes should also avoid refined sugar and processed carbohydrates. In addition, people with diabetes should try to include two portions of oily fish a week. Consuming plenty of calcium is also beneficial, as it supports healthy bones.

Genetic test

Genetic tests are now available to detect whether you’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. These tests are based on a decoded version of your genome, and results are provided in an official report. The report includes an explanation of the results. You can choose not to share your results with your primary healthcare provider, but you’re strongly encouraged to do so if you’d like to know more about your family’s health history.

One such test is available from 23andMe. Although it isn’t a standard clinical test for diabetes, it’s helpful for people who are worried about their risk for the disease. Although it doesn’t guarantee you’ll develop the disease, a positive test may spur you to make lifestyle changes that will reduce your risk.

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