5 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing Email Service Providers

When choosing an Email Service Provider, there are several factors to keep in mind. These include costs, features, legal requirements, and customer support. In addition, you should be able to track events, such as bounces, spam complaints, and delivery details. These can help you make informed decisions about which Email Service Providers are best for you. Read on to find out more. Here are five of the most important considerations:


Using an email service provider is a great way to manage your business’s email marketing campaigns. They allow you to manage subscribers and send emails to them without the hassle of maintaining a manual process. You can choose from a wide variety of email service providers, and each of them offers different features and benefits. Below are some of the features of email service providers that you should look for. Read on to learn more. Whether you’re looking for a basic email service or advanced tools to run your marketing campaigns, ESPs can help.

The features of email service providers vary from provider to provider, but these can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful campaign. The most common features of an email service provider include:


If you are planning to switch your email service provider (ESP) and want to maximize productivity, you may be wondering how to manage the costs. After all, switching to another ESP can mean paying people to do work that is not necessary, and diverting IT resources from other projects. So what are the real costs of switching ESPs? Below are some tips for managing the costs. Hopefully, these tips will help you make the transition easier.

Data storage – Email Service Providers charge a good amount of money to store customer data. Most SaaS providers duplicate the data on several servers and pass some of these costs on to you. Many experienced marketers agree that these costs are worth it, though they have the option of accessing the databases themselves. Hybrid technology makes this possible, allowing marketers to access the database they need. The cost of email service providers may seem high at first, but it is well worth it in the long run.

Legal requirements

If you’re planning to send emails to your subscribers, it’s crucial to make sure your messages are legal and comply with the GDPR and CAN-SPAM Act. The Act is strict, and you can get fined up to $43,792 per violation if your messages are not properly identified. Luckily, most email service providers already have built-in mechanisms for enforcing the laws. If your emails do not include a working opt-out link or a physical mailing address, the recipients have to click a link to unsubscribe. Alternatively, you can use implied consent, which requires a recipient to provide their contact information, or explicit consent, which is limited to certain types of email. Although, you can still obtain consent over the phone.

The CAN-SPAM Act defines commercial messages as those that are intended to advertise a commercial website. It makes no exception for business-to-business emails, and it also prohibits sending email that contains false header information. You must provide complete, honest information about the sender, and follow all other legal requirements. Depending on the email provider, this may mean a lot of work for you. You might need to hire a lawyer to help you navigate the complexities of the law, but the benefits far outweigh the hassle.

Customer support

One of the most effective ways to get in touch with customer support for email service providers is by email. This type of email allows you to attach documentation and files as well as communicate with a live agent. Email customer support can respond to your query within 24 hours. Additionally, you can send files and links to a support agent. Email also enables you to track issues and refer back to previous correspondences. Here are some benefits of email customer support:

Adding a human element to your email customer support department can help you reach your customers in more personal ways. While many email service providers still use email as the primary mode of communication, the younger generation is more likely to communicate with companies over messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. To help customers communicate through these channels, you can use a software called Helpshift. Helpshift Email integrates with live chat and in-app messaging, and allows you to manage email support and leverage canned responses.

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